Facebook's New Algorithm is Not Marketer Friendly

In 2016, Facebook released a statement saying the new algorithm update will prioritize posts from families and friends over brand content. Fast forward to today in 2018, and Facebook released another statement claiming it will show you even more posts from families and friends than before.

What does this mean for brands?

The new update works against brand content considering you’re neither family or friend. You’re a brand. And Facebook is pressuring brands to create meaningful content that provokes interactions amongst people. After all, Facebook is a community; and it wants brands to start thinking more so about the community’s perspective than business’ perspective.

So instead of using the number of likes and shares as metrics, Facebook wants brands to spark stimulating conversations to increase engagement – engagement in the form of comments. Facebook is starting to filter out clickbait promotions such as “Like if you like donuts”, or “Comment your favourite colour.” These are seen as spam by Facebook and by users; but there are ways to create organic engagement and move past the algorithm changes.

Good practices for promotions to beat the new algorithm

The good news is that the changes won’t affect brands that are creating meaningful, engaging content. There are still numerous ways to reach consumers with your promotions.

Create Engaging Promotions
Instead of asking for easy, one-word comments as entry submissions, ask for a story. People are going to be more receptive to sharing the post on their own, and it optimizes engagement with the brand. Remember, you can always encourage participants to tag their friends, like, or share while not making it an entry requirement. 

Utilizing the “See First” Option
Winners can be revealed by sharing on business pages. Prompt loyal followers to select the “See First” option on their news feed preferences to stay up to date with the promotion and winners.

Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing has always been about the connection between humans. Influencers aren’t seen as brands by Facebook, and the new algorithm could improve the social connection between them and consumers. Consumers follow influencers because of the rapport they’ve built, and Facebook is trying to establish more connectivity in its news feed. By leveraging influencers, it could have a positive impact on your promotions on Facebook.

Live Videos
Facebook loves live videos. Live videos on average perform six times better in interaction compared to regular videos. It stimulates discussions amongst viewers – even if there is a low number of initial viewers. Facebook wants interactions and live videos increase interaction, so adding live videos can help your promotions perform better. Better yet – have influencers host live videos.

Paid Posts
Facebook states that the new algorithm won’t affect posts; they will still be seen. However, the CPM rates may eventually increase if brands see a decrease in reach due to the new algorithm.

Regardless of the changes, Facebook is still the home to over 2.13 billion monthly active users,  and users are increasing year over year. It has a large capacity for wide reach, and so long as brands are creating engaging content, they will perform well.